Saturday, June 23, 2007

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Progress Report

For the last ten weeks I've been on an exercise routine. I exercise everyday, no fooling. It's not just weekdays, or every other day, but everyday. In those ten weeks there have been two days where I've taken breaks. Every day I do something physical, sometimes only a 30-minute walk, other times an hour walk and 30 minutes of swimming.

About the third week into this exercise program I started keeping track of my weight. On April 26 I was 105.4 kilograms (231 lbs.), but as of today I am 98 kilograms (215 lbs.). For the end of this month I'm aiming for 96 kilograms (211 lbs.).

It's been difficult this week to exercise: it's the rainy season and it's raining every day. And not just sprinkles, full-blown downpours that last for hours. The streets flood, everything gets wet, so the last few days I've been doing shorter walks when the weather clears.

But today the clouds parted and I felt like I could make the trek to the activity center's pool. It takes a half hour by foot, and I was almost there today when I heard something behind me, a distant roar. I turn to look and for the first time in my life, I see a wall of rain coming toward me. So I run, run like hell, and reach the activity center just as everything is enveloped.

But here's hoping to meet this month's goal.