Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Humphrey's Hell

If Sartre's hell is other people, I would like to extend it: hell is other people you cannot understand discussing education and budgets you are forced to listen to for hours.

If I'm going to hell, it's going to be an eternity in a Japanese business meeting that I can almost, but not quite, understand.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HA! I considered leaving my email on your BLOG and decided not to because people might SPAM me with porn... I just now realized (I made my original comment after working a night shift) that that idea is pretty ridiculous... Anyway... w00t.

-Nolan's email

-Nolan and Teeto's phone number

1115 W Michigan St apt 113
Duluth, MN 55806
-Nolan and Teeto's address

There, now you don't have to "track me down"