Monday, January 28, 2008

a bit

Yamaguchi-sensei is absent this morning, so I find myself without any classes. I'm rather pleased with this, as it allows some time to prepare for others. I didn't work at all this weekend and instead spent it cleaning and organizing and trying to finish The God of Small Things. Enjoyable but colander-like, I can only read in bits and spurts before I move on to something else. I'd prefer to finish In Cold Blood, which I've been reading for over a month and a half, but keep setting aside for more pressing books.

More and more I've found that my priorities are shifting: Though by no means have I stopped procrastinating, the occurrences have lessened. I take a certain amount of pleasure from striking stuff off on a mental list: studying, reading, exercising and gaming. Even writing, which you'll see here in due course. I work on that a bit each day as well. But only a bit.

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